COVID-19 Update

July 2021

We continue to welcome inside and outside visitors to all neighborhoods and are thrilled to see so many familiar faces around our campus once again. Please remember visits are enjoyed in specific designated visitation areas at this time. Common areas such as the courtyard, living room, day rooms, and dining rooms are for residents only at this time.

Residents are enjoying the use of our amenities, including barber shop/salon, as well as participating in small group activities in and around our Health Center with our Life Enrichment team.

Gifts and items for health center residents (including clothes/laundry) may be brought directly to a resident’s private room. For those who live in a semi-private room, items labeled with resident’s name, may be delivered to the neighborhood’s nursing station. If an item is perishable, please alert staff.

With McLean’s encouraging progress and Connecticut’s significant decrease in COVID-19 cases, we have discontinued our weekly update to our families, residents and staff. However, we will keep the lines of communication open and will provide updates for any policy or procedure changes, or report any positive case to report via our family communication emails, as well as posted on this site.

As you make your plans to visit, please schedule your visits through this link in advance. All visitors are being educated on the core principles of infection prevention and must wear a tight-fitting mask. Please contact Kathy Cookson at 860-658-3725 or with any questions.

Remember to bring your driver’s license for the Well Screen machine. Also, please do not visit if you are not feeling well and be sure to abide by travel guidelines, found here:

Mitigating Strategies

Our staff remains vigilant in appropriate screening, PPE usage and hand hygiene.

Our mitigating strategies continue to be in effect. You will find these listed below:

  • Please refer to the visitation procedures above for current information.
  • Visitors must follow core principles of infection prevention during any visit.
  • Small group activities, as well as socially distanced larger groups, are occurring on all neighborhoods.
  • The resident dining rooms are open, for residents only, with social distancing at this time.
  • The Beauty Salon/Barber Shop is open for all residents on all neighborhoods.
  • We are working with our pharmacy partners and the Department of Public Health to provide staff and residents with any future COVID-19 vaccinations.
  • A health screening process is in place at our entrance for all people entering our building.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is available and worn by all staff while on campus.
  • Masks are provided to all residents to wear when out of their room or if engaged with their care team (with the exception of face care, taking medications or eating).
  • Enhanced cleaning process with approved products used and an increased focus on touched surfaces remains top priority.
  • Internal audits for infection control practices have been implemented to reinforce consistent and effective preventative measures.
  • Medical appointments via telemedicine are encouraged whenever possible.
  • COVID-19 testing of staff follows the Governor’s executive order. Fully vaccinated staff are not required to test and unvaccinated staff are testing monthly. If we have one positive case (an outbreak), all staff and residents will test once weekly per DPH requirements. We will follow isolating protocols should any resident receive a positive test result and will implement additional testing and cohorting strategies.
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