McLean Senior Living Blog

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Take Care of YOU, the Caregiver

As our population ages, approximately 1 in 3 adults in our country qualify themselves as “informal caregivers” to other adults. This statistic means that you are certainly not alone, but it doesn’t mean this is an easy task. The work you do is so important and greatly...

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When to Consider Assisted Living for a Loved One

When to Consider Assisted Living for a Loved One

Taking care of an aging parent or spouse can be rewarding, but it can become quite difficult depending upon their condition and your situation. There are many different types of resources and services available to support seniors today, but how do you know when it is...

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The Importance of Physical Wellness for Seniors

The Importance of Physical Wellness for Seniors

The importance of physical wellness for seniors is something that cannot be overstated. Regular exercise is key to staying healthy and feeling happy. Senior living communities like McLean understand how vital physical wellness is to all aspects of healthy aging. Not...

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What is a Life Plan Community?

What is a Life Plan Community?

Today’s seniors are living longer, fuller lives. They’re more active, health-conscious, and feeling younger than ever. To meet the needs and desires of this vibrant Baby Boomer generation, the senior living industry is evolving. Many retirement communities are...

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