Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Brain

June 23, 2024

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month. Protecting your brain is important because your brain is the command center for your nervous system and enables many functions, including movement, memory, and emotions. What can you do to minimize your risk of cognitive decline? Turns out, quite a lot! Here are some ways you can protect your brain:

Protect your head

It almost goes without saying that you must wear a seat belt in the car and a helmet on a bike – falls and accidents can cause head injuries that can damage your brain. You can also reduce your fall risk by checking your home for potential fall hazards, wearing glasses if you need them, and wearing sturdy, stable shoes with solid heel support. Incorporate exercises specific to improving your balance, like yoga. And if you do fall and hit your head, seek medical care quickly.

Eat healthy

Eating healthier foods can help reduce your risk of cognitive decline. You can try eating more vegetables and leaner meats, along with foods that are less processed and lower in fat. You can also consider following a Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes plant-based foods, whole grains, fish, and healthy fats.

Manage stress

When you’re in a dangerous or emotionally taxing situation, the amygdala (the part of your brain that governs your survival instincts) may take over, leaving other parts of your brain with less energy.

Quit smoking

Quitting smoking can help maintain brain health and can reduce your risk of other smoking-related illnesses.

Learn a new skill

Just as physical exercise keeps your body fit, exercising your brain keeps it healthy. Try a new hobby or brush up on an old skill. Challenging your mind is important at all ages! Your local library will often offer classes in technology or languages.

Maintain a healthy blood pressure

High blood pressure may increase your risk of dementia. Regular medical visits can keep blood pressure in check.


Physical activity can improve thinking, reduce risk of depression and anxiety, and help you sleep better.

Sleep well

We know that when we have a poor night’s sleep, we can feel “off” the next day. Studies indicate that lack of sleep can lead to neurological damage in the hippocampus, a part of the brain involved in learning and memory. So make sure to get those zzzs!

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