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Stay Steady on Your Feet with the Balance Rehabilitation Program at McLean

December 10, 2021

According to a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health, more than 4 in 10 Americans will experience an episode of dizziness that will be significant enough to send them to a doctor. Dizziness can affect balance which can lead to falls in the elderly population.  But you can help prevent falls with balance re-training and fall prevention at McLean.

To help determine if you are experiencing significant dizziness that can lead to a fall, ask yourself these important questions:

  • Does the room spin when you’re standing or sitting still?
  • When you change positions do you feel dizzy?
  • Have you fallen in the past year?
  • Are you afraid you might fall?
  • Are you able to walk outside confidently?
  • Do you often rely on your arms to rise from sitting in a chair?

If you answered YES to even ONE question, you may benefit from a referral to our balance rehabilitation program. Balance re-training and falls prevention can be done in any of our therapy settings – in your home or at our Outpatient Clinic located on our Health Center Campus in Simsbury, CT.

During your appointment, your physical therapist will conduct a series of assessments including checks of your vision, strength, medication history, blood pressure, and ensure you are wearing proper footwear before determining the most appropriate course of treatment.

Your physical therapist may also recommend a series of balance exercises to help you stay steady on your feet. Remember: always check with your doctor before beginning or ending any physical fitness or exercise program.

Click here to learn more or call 860-658-3745 to make an appointment.

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