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November Is National Home Care and Hospice Month

November 8, 2022

The National Association of Home Care and Hospice reminds us that November is “the time to recognize and celebrate the millions of people, from administrators to clinicians to social workers to volunteers, who bring the best health care in the world into the homes of the most vulnerable patients.” Here at McLean, our Home Care and Hospice staff provides compassionate care wherever the need exists – usually in the person’s own home, but also to residents in Skilled Nursing or Assisted Living – throughout the Farmington Valley.

Home Care

Home Care is often warranted after surgery or due to an illness, injury, or chronic condition. Perhaps you need dressings changed, or physical therapy, or help managing medications. Our dedicated Home Care staff brings McLean’s 5-star health care services to your home. McLean’s Home Care, based on a medical model, provides what you need to get better quickly and get back to living your life!

Hospice and Palliative Care

“Hospice” and “Palliative Care” are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same.

Hospice is not a place but is high-quality care that enables patients and families to focus on living as fully as possible despite a life-limiting illness. Typically, a hospice patient has a prognosis of six months or less if the disease runs its expected course, and has stopped further active treatment. The goal of Hospice is to provide comfort through pain and symptom management, and spiritual support.

Palliative Care brings this holistic model of care to people earlier in the course of a serious illness. A palliative patient has a life-threatening or chronic disease, but may not have a limited life prognosis and may choose to receive active treatment such as hospitalization or chemotherapy. Palliative Care helps patients facing problems associated with a life-threatening or chronic illness to maintain their health.

Home Care and Hospice Heroes

McLean’s Home Care and Hospice team includes RNs; social workers; spiritual counselors; home health aides; physical, occupational, and speech therapists; dietitians, and specially trained volunteers. Together, they provide comfort, care, and support for body and spirit when it counts the most. McLean’s family-centered concept of Home Care and Hospice also focuses on the family, as well as on the person receiving care. For family members and caregivers, we offer support and education to help them better understand what’s happening at any particular point in time and what to expect moving forward. Bereavement support is also available.

Home Care and Hospice caregivers make an everlasting impact on the lives of the patients and families they serve. McLean is honored to recognize them during National Home Care and Hospice month – and throughout the year.

For more information on McLean’s Home Care and Hospice services, please call 860-658-3954 or email Tully.Meyer@mcleancare.org.

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